Self notes

  • The analysis itself is secondary. The base data column, the key facts you collect are much more important.
  • EG: While predicting the sales of a list of stores in a city– Count of items, in store, sqft area of store, outlet type, city type in store


  • Deal with null values (Substitute them with mean)
  • Convert catagorial columns into 1-hot
    • from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder

Definitions: Target variable

  • The varibale you want to successfully predict after your analysis ID columns
  • Remove ‘ID’ type columns from your DF as they do not add any value to the predictive model


  • PreProcess
    • Bring all columns to same same value count
  • Explore
    • Displot Each column(see value distribution)



In this phase, we want to make sure there is uniform distribution of values Displot

  • Here we want to see how the values in the column are distributed
  • It’s skew (Center, Left, Right)
  • If Left / Right skew then apply log transformation
    • np.log(1+df['sales']) Countplot
  • sns.countplot()


  • sns.heatmap(df.corr())